Wanted for the Show

Helpers: We'd be very grateful if you could spare a few hours on the day to support us. We are looking for help with the entrance gates, raffle or game stalls. We would not be able to run the show without support from people like you who generously give their time.

Please contact helpers.lhshow@gmail.com if you are able to support us.

Bric-a-Brac: Please bring items of bric-a-brac to the Recreation Ground on the

morning of the show.

Books for the bookstall: Details available nearer the Show.

Tombola Prizes: Details available nearer the Show.

Crockery for Smashing: Details available nearer the Show.


General Queries: question.lhshow@gmail.com or complete our Contact Us Form

Craft Stall Applications: craftlhshow@gmail.com

Volunteers to help with the show: helpers.lhshow@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lhshow.org.uk